Album Fundraiser

Hey Folks,

It's been a long time coming, but we're finally on track to record our debut album this April at Singing Sands Studio in Portland. We started this project two summers ago up in Haines, AK as home recordings, and it's been a lot of trial and error along the way. At the end of the day however, I am just not a very good sound engineer nor do we have the proper space or time to make this what we'd like (although I am proud of all we've learned, and definitely think it's helped us become better musicians). We've decided to put the recording part into more capable hands, and we'll just focus on what we're good at. The music. 

This album will be a collection of songs that I wrote scattered throughout 2018-2021. They were mainly my reflections from the years prior as a hitchhiker and train hopper. I was pretty caught up on consumption, wealth, oppression, and my own internal struggles dealing with where I fit into a culture that I didn’t want much part of. That’s really what lead me to hoboing around North America in the first place. It’s been almost 10 years since I set out on this musical journey where I'd busk my way from town to town. When I look back on that time I barely recognize myself. In many ways I was much braver, but also much more naive. This collection of songs feels like faded memories that I still play in order to keep from being lost. Because that point of time so heavily influenced who I am today. I’ve wanted to release these songs for far too long, even if nobody listens, so that I can finally let go and move forward.

Anyways, taking this route is not cheap, and we could really use your help. Between recording, mixing, mastering, & printing, expenses add up quick. If you're willing to donate, we've got some perks included as well. Click on the picture below to send you off in the right direction!

We really appreciate it,
